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Concussion Awareness


On October 23, 2012, Governor Synder signed into law legislation addressing sport-related concussions and required protocols for certain youth organizations.  The Governor signed two bills to inform students, coaches, and parents on how to recognize concussions.  Senate Bill 1122 requires the Michigan Department of Community Health to develop both educational materials and a concussion awareness program.  House Bill 5697 requires that all youth sport coaches, employees, and volunteers participate in the concussion awareness program, as well as provide the educational materials to athletes. 

To comply with these new regulations, MAHA adopted the USA Hockey Concussion Management Program and associated educational materials as its concussion management program.  Parents and guardians are asked to review these materials with their player.

Another part of the legislation requires that coaches remove any youth athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion from all hockey activity immediately.  The athlete may only return to practice or competition when Compuware Youth Hockey receives written authorization from a licensed healthcare provider. 

Concussion can cause serious and long-term damage to young players if not treated properly.  We urge you to review the material and become familiar with the symptoms of concussions.



NHL/NHLPA 2019 Concussion Education Video

Watch this 13-minute video produced by NHL Studios in conjunction with the National Hockey League and NHL Players' Association created to help players, parents, coaches and team medical staff at all levels of hockey recognize the signs and symptoms of concussions and better understand how to proceed when a player is suspected to have suffered a concussion.